Our Services

Domiciliary Care Service

Our domiciliary care service provides care to service users in their own home environment on a one-to-one basis.  We provide an extensive selection of cost effective, high quality, flexible and responsive home care services. Read More

Live-in Care Service

Our Live-in care service is for people who need more support or 24-hour care but wish to stay in their own home rather than move to a care home.  Our encouragement, practical help and support can enable people to maintain their independence. Read More

Palliative & End of Life Care

People who are nearing the end of their life and those who require palliative care due to a life-limiting illness may want to remain at home for their final days.  That is where we can come in, to help you to have a good quality of life in the time you have left. Read More

Respite Care Service

The reality is that there are times when even family and friends need a break.  This is where Patience Care Solutions come in, to support your loved on in the comfort of their own home instead of going into a residential facility. Read More